The Bieber effect

One of the most wonderful things about travelling is realising how much Justin Bieber has influenced the world with his messages of hope and joy. And buying merchandise.

(insert twitter war with Justin’s fans here)

Actually I don’t think Justin’s fans are reading this blog. Lucky for us.

Anyway everywhere we have been Justin’s merchandise has been on display
among the youth. Which is wonderful. Because he brings us all together.

Thank you Justin. Thank you.

Living la vida Mexicana

Mexicans are big on family, public displays of affection (PDAs), food and noise of any kind as long as it’s loud – mariachis, car stereos, annoying whistle things vendors sell in plazas to kids who proceed to use them incessantly, church bells (that seem to go off randomly at any time of day or night in a ‘hey it’s 2am why don’t we ring the church bells’ kind of way) and people who honk their horns for, oh any reason really, and again it doesn’t matter if it’s 3am and people are sleeping. These things and more are all part of the Mexican way of life it seems. They like it fast, they like it loud, and they’re not too concerned whether other people like it or not.

Mariachis serenading us at dinner

Mariachis serenading us at dinner – whether we liked it or not! (For the record, we did.)

Walk down to a plaza in any Mexican town, at any time of the day or night and chances are you’ll see parents sitting on benches eating street food while the kids are running around the plaza playing with each other, or throwing those weird things that light up in the air or blowing on annoying horns.

You’ll see lovers entwined in passionate embraces and the awkwardness of a first or second date. You’ll see food stalls and you’ll hear music – could be some mariachis, could be a shop front blaring out Mexican music at completely inappropriate levels to apparently ‘attract’ customers. Maybe it’s a pharmacy blasting out techno while someone dressed up as the fat chemist character the chain is known for rave dances out front, or maybe it’s a father playing the according while his son dressed up in the best cowboy suit ever, yells out trying to harmonise with his dad while holding onto a Coke bottle. Whatever it is – crazy, annoying, hilarious – it’s Mexican life.