
We’re a couple from Melbourne, Australia who have left our desk jobs to travel for a year. Both in our 30s we decided that before ‘settling down’ into middle age, we’d take off and explore the world. We decided it was time to move out from behind the desk and see what life beyond it offered.

Call it a sea change or a tree change – we were after some kind of change that didn’t involve a mortgage or diapers, just yet. So this seemed like a good idea.  Escape and adventure.

It’s a very different experience travelling in your 30s as a couple – no crazy alcohol-fuelled nights with your hostel mates every single night, no picking up the hot backpacker in your dorm, no backpacks, no stealing the bread from the breakfast buffet to save on food. Which is not to say there won’t be crazy drunken nights or meeting random folk – as far as I’m concerned they’re a universal travel requirement, but it’s just more… umm… comfortable.

In some ways I miss the old backpacking ways but I know I don’t want it anymore – my standards have changed. I need a floor towel, I need soap, I need a flushing toilet in my own bathroom and I don’t need to stay out all night, every night and have benders.

So Andrew and I sat down one day and wrote a top 10 list of the places we’d like to visit and we then compared. That was how we came up with our list of destinations. We’ll be documenting our discoveries along the way here, so come travel along with us and feel free to send us any questions or comments.

Who are we?

Nikki is a writer and editor from Melbourne, who was born in Cape Town. She has worked for Lonely Planet and Oxfam Australia and other equally wonderful organisations as a writer and editor (mainly online). She has a passion for travel, learning languages (her goal is to perfect her schoolyard French and Italian, as well as adding Arabic to the mix), pop culture and social justice. Oh and she’s available for any of your writing or editing needs on a freelance basis.

Andrew has worked in the online world for 5 years or so, being able to actually do some useful stuff for an important organisation (Oxfam), despite having one of the world’s most useless degrees (marketing). His goal is to see more of the world before his hair falls out.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Wonderful. The experience of a lifetime! Just catching up on all your posts thus far and have been thoroughly amazed and entertained. [Actually have wireless in our room (in Chester where we’ll be for a few more nights) AND a desk and woke up early.] Looking forward to going on your journey with you and joining you in your fun.

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