Signs, signifiers and graffiti

It is with special thanks to Ferdinand de Saussure’s theory of semiotics, and C.S. Peirce’s theory that a sign is “something that stands for something, to someone in some capacity” that we share these signs of significance encountered during our travels, with you.

Either that or we thought they were just pretty amusing.

You decide …

Bitch Party sign

Hey what? A Bitch Party? Feminists were lining up around the block for this one …

Leopard graffiti in San Cristobal

Some graffiti in San Cristobal de las Casas – the leopard/tiger has broken a machine gun in two. And of course, someone drew a penis on it – because that is always hilarious.

Pool sign

What I don’t understand is why they didn’t just use Google translate?

LA graffiti

How can we not love this?

Drugs open sign

Thanks Mexico!

Vegetarian menu in Mexico

I love that Mexicans think that ham, chicken and tuna are part of a vegetarian meal

Rumi quote

I just love Rumi, that’s why …

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About ladybuginred

Hi, I'm a writer/editor from Melbourne, Australia who has left desk life behind in order to travel the world. My journey will take me from North America and Mexico, through to South Africa, Tanzania, Egypt, the Middle East and Turkey. Or at least that's the plan so far, so come for a ride with me and let's see where I end up.

2 thoughts on “Signs, signifiers and graffiti

  1. HI! I found your blog because I was looking for that Liqen’s piece of street art (the one with the jaguar on it) and I was wondering if you might be able to let me know how did you find it. Thanks. And if you are still traveling, well, good luck.

    • Hi CATA thanks for dropping by! No we are not travelling at the moment sadly but we hope to again soon. As for the piece of street art we saw it while wondering the streets of San Cristobal de la casas in Mexico – couldn’t tell you where exactly. Thanks for letting us know the artist, I wasn’t aware. Are you planning to go and find it?

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