Our delightful Caribbean view in Tulum, Mexico

Spot the beach bum ….

View of the Caribbean Sea from our hotel balcony and then some ...

A view of the beautiful Caribbean Sea from our hotel balcony in Tulum and a special guest appearance from the local nudist – I’m pretty sure there are particular beaches dedicated to the art of nudism but obviously this guy thinks we’re all happy viewing (my bet is he’s Scandinavian – those cats love getting their gear off) – see if you can spot him!

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About ladybuginred

Hi, I'm a writer/editor from Melbourne, Australia who has left desk life behind in order to travel the world. My journey will take me from North America and Mexico, through to South Africa, Tanzania, Egypt, the Middle East and Turkey. Or at least that's the plan so far, so come for a ride with me and let's see where I end up.

4 thoughts on “Our delightful Caribbean view in Tulum, Mexico

  1. Besides being gutted with jealousy, I am enjoying your blog entries. There are some nice turns of phrase too, such as the cats getting their gear off. Not to get all web service delivery on yo’ ass, but I just got an update – from 26 August! I thought, hang on, they’re in Mexico, and now they’re back in Santa Barbara? Never mind, just keep it up! Perhaps your tales will become one of those web success stories like Secret Diary of a Call Girl, or Julie and Julia…

    • Thanks for your lovely comments about the blog Col, appreciate it! As for your web service delivery feedback, I get your point but we had (and still have) a few earlier posts that were (are) in draft that needed a bit of finessing, so in future there may still be some glimpses back to the past – just to keep you on your toes!

      Or I could say we’re subscribing to the postmodern non-linear narrative vibe

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